Having mentored, coached, counseled, and partnered with various Kingdom Leaders, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles with self-doubt, self-sabotage, poverty, unbelief, and chaos - which is why I created Get Your Life Inc.

It is a Christian Consulting Company that offers a unique approach to personal and spiritual growth, combining it with business strategy and insight to empower Kingdom Leaders. 

CEO & Founder of Get Your Life Inc. 

I'm Shantae

Phenomenal Day!

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Fun Facts!

My favorite weekend activity

Visiting upscale restaurants!

a hobby that i love

To shop and organize my home.

my go-to vacation getaway

Panama City, Florida! Give me the beach and Schooners baby!

things I enjoy


Iced Coffee


words to live by

"Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch, what make you go beyond the norm.

- Cicely Tyson

Get Your Life Inc. is a full-service life transformation company that uses the Word of God to heal hearts and transform minds.

Our founder, Prophetess Shantae, has been anointed to articulate the hearts of men, heal hearts, and transform minds through the Word of God. She uses her 4 step proprietary framework - Strategy - Structure - Streamline and Systemize to design your entire business.

We will work with you to:

1) Develop a strategy that is unique to your business model and goals (weaving in your personal vision)

2) Build a structure for your business that is designed around your core values

3) Streamline all processes into one easy-to-use system that allows you to do it all from one place online or in an app

4) Systemize all functions so that they can be done by anyone who has been trained on what to do during each process without having any training beforehand.

Prophetess Shantae specializes in:

- Pivoting your business

- Restructuring your business

- Rebranding your business

- Retooling your business

We Transform Businesses with God’s Word

uh yesss!

Ready to get started?

When we submit ourselves to the transformation process of renewing our minds through Scripture we achieve all that God has planned for us and our business becomes that vehicle to help transport others. 

streamline your Business


We believe that if you can see your vision clearly, you'll be able to run towards it instead of away from it. And we know that when you're running towards your vision, nothing can stop you! Habakkuk 2: 2-3  

create your action plan during designher day


book a Prophetic Planning Session 

Every person has been put here for a purpose, and God has a plan for everything. I am here to help you find your purpose, whatever it may be. You have poured out, allow God to pour back into you. 


about the process

How it Works

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